Whenever Brody questions my knowledge of something I always explain myself by saying, "Brody, I'm a mom ... I know everything." Like, for instance, I catch him in a lie. I know he's lied, he knows that I know that he's lied. Then he usually says, "how do you know?" I reply, "I know everything." Yes, yes, it's a little blasphemous, but mom's can take that liberty on occasion.
So the other day, Brody was pondering the wonders of the world (he does this often). A day with Brody is filled with ENDLESS questions. "Why is the sky blue?" "Why did you marry dad?" "Why didn't you marry me?" "Can I marry Marley?" "Where are we going?" "When Dannon goes to bed, can we play game?" "What's next?" ENDLESS QUESTIONS!!! So in my exasperation I answered one of Brody's questions with "I don't know." Do you know what he said back?! "So you don't know everything." Aaahhhhhh!!! The little peach is growing up.
Rocket vs SQUID
2 days ago
HAHA!! That is SO funny!!! I LOVE that kid! He is one smart cookie! :)
He is a crack up!
That is so funny! I, for one, still think that you know everything :)
Ha ha That is funny!!
I remember doing that.....
he is so cute, we need to get the boys together again. Malakai really likes playing with Brody. The pictures turned out darling too.
When I read something like this I realize how much I still have ahead of me as a parent! Mine is still learning to talk! Your kids sure a cute.
I don't really know how to reply to a post, so I guess I'll give you an answer here. Justin actually grew up in southern California, but his family bought a house in Utah after spending time in Eastern Europe (his dad was a mission president). His parents are actually living in Hong Kong now- his dad is a lawyer, and he works for the church there. AnnaMarie and Justin get to live in the Jensen's house in Orem. Lucky them!
It is a sad day when your children find out that you are full of crap. at least you can still trick your other two kids for a little while longer.
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