September 23, 2008

Dad's and Marley's Birthday party

So we had a combo birthday party for my dad's 54th birthday and Marley's 1st.
The hit of the night was the water baby doll that Marley got. She was in love with it.

Didn't want to dirty her outfit so we had to strip her down.

Oh yeah and Dad got some large scriptures for his old eyes. Sorry, for some reason there's no picture to prove it.


~Ashley Dawn Photography~ said...

the First birthday cake eating pictures are always my favorites :)

krisjane said...

Marley is so cute with her doll! How did your cupcakes turn out? I still can't believe she's already a year old!!

Megan Holdaway said...

She is way too cute.

Shumster said...

Happy Happy Birthday Marley Dear:) She has such big eye's. What a cute girl. Jordan loved to eat the face off of her baby's too. So funny!

Jennifer Karyn said...

I love the picture where she's bright eyed with frosting all over her face. it is my wallpaper on my computer at work :D