November 2, 2010


Pretty Princess
Spiderman, Cinderella, Dale Earnheardt, Jr.(I might have spelt his name wrong ...)


Jennifer Karyn said...

So cute!! All the costumes are so cute. I really can't believe how big Dannon is getting and how much he is looking like Brody. Marley is also the cutest princess. I see her monster smile has come back too haha!

Jennifer Karyn said...

I looked at the pictures again. Marley is the cutest girl I've ever seen. Sorry everyone else. I hope I have no daughters, they won't compare

krisjane said...

So cute!! I can't tell you how happy Aaron is going to be to know that someone in the family dressed up as Dale Jr! :) And I can't get over how much Marley looks like you in that first picture!! Maybe it's just me that thinks that. :) They all look so cute!! Can't wait for baby #4 to arrive in a couple months!!!